Catalogue Search - How To

As part of an ongoing project to catalogue all PPL's books, students from Plymouth University and abroad have almost completed the online indexing of over 17000 books.

NEW - To view on a tablet or PC/MAC as a table CLICK HERE - Requires Google Sheets (FREE) to be installed on your device allow up to 10 seconds to open fully

Loading...>   Please allow a few seconds fo the search screen to build. To search by title click on the down arrow beside the word title and enter one or more consectutive words in the title. Use the sort options to display AtoZ. you can also search by Author, Date, Publisher or an combination of any of these.

This database is searchable. Press and hold the control followed by the letter f (ctl+f) to open the Find window in your browser. Select the tab of the spreadsheet you wish to search in. Enter the word(s) you are looking for e.g. Larkin.


The first instance of the word Larkin will be highlighted. Clicking on the down arrow icon will bring up the second instance of the word, and so on. If the word displays in highlighted red then the word you are looking for is not in the spreadsheet so you may need to try a different word(s).

Please note that the Simon Curtis Collection is seperately catalogued HERE

This project is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.